Clover Mites: Tiny Creatures, Big Impact

Photo by Bryant McDowell

Photo by Bryant McDowell

I have had a few individuals (homeowners and pest management professionals) reach out to me about infestations of tiny mites that are aggregating on their structures, windowsills, and even seeing them invade indoors! For most of us in Texas, we won’t ever have to battle the army of microscopic mites – known as clover mites, or brown mites. In north Texas, however, this may be a sight we are all too familiar with as the end of winter approaches and temperatures rise. The clover mite, scientifically known as Bryobia praetiosa Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), is a common pest found all over the world. In North America, they are distributed throughout the United States and southern Canada.


Clover mites prefer cooler weather, around 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit, according to most sources I have come across. Therefore, they are most active in the spring and fall seasons. Clover mites are parthenogenetic, meaning they develop from unfertilized eggs, and their population is composed entirely of females. They undergo five developmental life stages: egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph, and adult. Eggs are bright red in color and laid in various protected areas in the environment. Six-legged larvae hatch from these eggs and are also a bright red color. the next two nymphal stages (protonymph and deutonymph) are eight -legged, like the adults but the legs appear more or less equal in size. By the time the adult emerges, they are a light to dark reddish or greenish brown color, and easily identifiable by their first pair of legs being nearly twice the length of the rest and extending forward past the head. A generation lasts approximately one month, and adult clover mites live for about two weeks outdoors, as long as weather conditions are suitable for their development. Females can lay up to 70 eggs during their lifespan.

Habitat and Plant Preference:

Clover mites primarily live in lawns and feed on grasses and herbaceous plants. They seem to be a fairly generalist feeder, being found on over 200 different plant species, but have a preference for clovers and grasses. They can also feed on certain ornamental shrubs and trees. They are more likely to be found on heavily fertilized lawns and prefer plants in nutrient-rich soil. They overwinter in any dry – protected location, mostly in the egg stage. The overwintering eggs appear in the cracks and crevices of concrete sidewalks, under the bark of trees, and between the walls of buildings. When these eggs hatch in the spring, there are multiple generations during the period of favorable weather. However, as the temperature increases beyond ~85 degrees Fahrenheit, the clover mite will enter a dormancy period of inactivity and will continue reproduction and development in the fall when temperatures cool down again.

Pest Status:

Clover mites are considered nuisance pests. They do not cause damage to food or structures and do not carry diseases that can harm people or plants. However, they can become a problem when they invade homes in large numbers. Because these mites are parthenogenetic, they do not need to mate for reproduction to occur. Once the female mite matures, she can begin laying eggs. They do not reproduce under indoor conditions and will perish shortly after coming inside. Some homeowners attempt to wipe these mites up as a means to remove them. This will result in a smear or stain (see photo below) that will make a mess of fabrics and walls. You should, instead, use a handheld vacuum to remove mites indoors and dispose of the contents immediately.

IPM Control Tactics:

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. Here are some IPM recommendations for clover mites:

  • Create a turf- and weed-free boundary around buildings: A 3-5 feet wide minimum boundary can help deter mites.
  • Use pea-gravel or mulch within the boundary.
  • Plant unattractive plants within the boundary: Plants such as geranium, chrysanthemum, zinnia, marigold, salvia, rose, petunia, or shrubs such as barberry, juniper, and yew are unattractive to clover mites.
  • Ensure that seals around windows are in good repair: This can prevent mites from entering the home.
  • Use plant protection products: These can help protect plants from mite infestation.
  • Mite numbers can be reduced using high pressure water spray from a hose or through use of pesticides. Use only insecticides and/or miticides with label directions for controlling mites.
  • For host plants around the structure, insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, or products containing other ingredients including pyrethroid insecticides (e.g., bifenthrin) may be suitable. Spot treatments of contact insecticides can be applied to foundation walls and other areas where mites are aggregating. Particular attention should be paid to the junction between the building foundation and landscape soil.
  • However, use of insecticide may be unnecessary by addressing the source of the mites in the landscape by mowing, weeding or use of high-pressure water sprays.

Photo by Bart Drees

Photo by M. J. Raupp

Photo by Scot Justis

Photo by Pia Scanton DAFWA Entomology


In conclusion, while clover mites can be a nuisance, they can be effectively managed using a combination of the above strategies. Homeowners should consider these tactics when treating their property for clover mites.


Spring Pests: What to Expect as Temperatures Rise

As the chill of winter fades and temperatures begin to rise, a variety of insect pests start to make their presence known. Environmental factors such as an increase in temperature and the moisture we often see during the spring season will signal over-wintering arthropods to emerge during these favorable times. Here’s a look at some of the common pests you might encounter in and around your home during spring.


Arguably the most notable ant pest in the Texas landscape is the Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA). The Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) is native to tropical and subtropical South America and has become an invasive species in many parts of the world, including the southern United States. These ants are known for their aggressive foraging behavior, high reproductive capability, and lack of natural predators in their invaded regions. As temperatures increase in the spring, homeowners can expect to see a rise in the activity of these ants. Studies have shown that the foraging activity of the Red Imported Fire Ant is driven primarily by soil temperature (Vogt et al. 2003). As the soil warms up, these ants become more active, potentially leading to more frequent encounters with humans and pets. They can form large mounds constructed from soil with no visible entrances because foraging tunnels are built and workers emerge far away from the nest. Mound density will usually increase after heavy rain in an area. Homeowners should be aware that these ants can deliver painful stings and take appropriate precautions to manage and prevent infestations. For more information on RIFA and its control, visit:


As temperatures increase in the spring, homeowners can expect to see a rise in mosquito activity. The type of mosquito present and whether it represents just an annoyance or a possible disease vector – likely depends on environmental conditions. For example, water availability and type (fresh, clear floodwater in ditches, a container collecting water, or stagnant puddles left behind from previous weather events), are critical factors that will affect the type of mosquito and the population density in your area. Recent hot and drier conditions are raising concerns among health officials about the potential for rising populations of vector mosquitoes. Rainfall can significantly contribute to a rapid increase in mosquito populations. Homeowners should be vigilant about preventing mosquito bites to reduce the risk of contracting diseases. Check out our free PDF on Do-It-Yourself Backyard Mosquito Control for tips on managing these nuisance pests.


Most spiders found in and around the home in Texas are harmless. There are some groups that homeowners may want to be aware of, however.

  • The brown recluse spider, for instance, is most frequently seen during the spring months. They are active from spring through the fall outdoors – but can be active year-round in climate-controlled spaces such as our homes, attic/storage areas, and garages. These spiders are nocturnal hunters and prefer hidden areas that are rarely disturbed. Homeowners should be aware that some spiders, like the brown recluse, can deliver venomous bites. Therefore, it’s important to take precautions when dealing with stored items or working in areas where these spiders might hide. See our publication on the brown recluse spider for more information. 
  • The black widow spider is most commonly found in undisturbed sites such as basements and storage areas, and they prefer cluttered areas. I have personally come across black widow spiders hanging out in outdoor trashcans, BBQ/smoke pits that have been untouched for some time, and underneath patio furniture. They primarily prefer protected areas near the ground, such as under stones, pieces of wood, or brick piles, or in rodent burrows and hollow tree stumps. Their webs are usually built in a dark spot sheltered from the weather and they tend to be rather “messy” in appearance. Again, homeowners should be aware that black widow spiders can deliver venomous bites, and take precautions when dealing with stored items or working in areas where these spiders might hide. See our publication on the black widow spider for more information.

Boxelder bugs:

Boxelder bugs (Boisea trivittatus) are found throughout most of Texas and feed on several species of trees. As temperatures increase in the spring, adult bugs emerge from overwintering and begin mating soon after. The females deposit eggs in the cracks and crevices of tree bark, and after about two weeks, the eggs hatch, and the nymphs develop into adults throughout the summer. There may be two or more generations per year in Texas. Homeowners may encounter dense aggregations of these bugs, where several stages of nymphs and adults can be seen at the same time. In the fall, the adults and nymphs leave the trees they feed on and look for sheltered areas in which to spend the winter. Unsurprisingly, as temperatures rise in the spring, homeowners can expect to see an increase in the activity of these bugs. They may become a nuisance either when they enter homes or other structures seeking shelter in the fall, or as they begin to emerge from those structures in high densities in the spring. Homeowners should take preventive actions such as sealing cracks and crevices and inspecting the outside of the structure for areas that boxelder bugs may find as suitable overwintering locations. Click here for more information. 

Pill/ Sow bugs (aka roly-polies), Millipedes and Centipedes:

I had to be sure to include a section dedicated to a few of those arthropod groups we often come across with more than 8 legs!

  • Pillbugs, also known as roly-polies, are common arthropods in most Texas landscapes and in general, are harmless. As temperatures increase in the spring, pillbugs may become more active and can occasionally become pests around the home. They are prolific breeders, giving birth to 30-80 young per brood, and may produce two to three generations per year in Texas. Check out our previous post about these arthropods here for more information.
  • Millipedes, which have two pairs of legs per body segment, are also found throughout Texas. They prefer moist environments and can commonly be found in soil, leaf litter, or under rocks or wood. In the spring, as temperatures rise, millipedes may become more active. They occasionally damage plants by feeding on stems and leaves, though this usually only occurs on delicate seedlings. Centipedes, which have one pair of legs per body segment, are another common sight in Texas. They also prefer moist, protected habitats such as under stones, rotted logs (be cautious of those firewood piles!), leaves, or bark. As temperatures increase in the spring, centipedes may become more active. They are predaceous, feeding on other arthropods, such as insects. The bite of larger species of centipedes may cause pain, swelling, and discomfort. For more information on millipedes and centipedes in Texas, check out this factsheet here.

Crane flies:

Crane flies, often referred to as “mosquito hawks” or “skeeter eaters” are a common sight in Texas, typically seen in mass during early spring and fall. As temperatures increase in the spring, homeowners can expect to see a rise in crane fly activity. When the environmental conditions are right, such as the rising temperatures we have been having recently, crane flies begin emerging as adults. As larvae, they live in moist soils for the majority of their lives. We only notice their presence during the adult emergence times, which are rather short-lived. They do not possess a stinger, and most of them do not even have mouthparts as adults. Crane flies are a great food source for all sorts of insectivores, like frogs, swallows, and armadillos, and play an important role in a healthy ecosystem. Homeowners should be aware that while these flies are harmless, they can become a nuisance when they enter homes. Check out our previous post on crane flies for more information.

By being aware of these common spring pests and taking preventative measures, you can help keep your home pest-free. Remember these 3 key factors: Food, water, and shelter. These are the foundations of every pest problem.

Here are some preventative measures you can take to pest-proof your property.

Proper identification: Proper pest identification is the first and most critical step in effective pest control and can help in understanding the pest’s life cycle, habits, and habitats, which can aid in devising strategies to prevent future infestations. It allows for targeted, efficient, safe, and ethical pest management strategies. Different pests require different control methods. Some treatments that are effective for one type of pest may not work for another. By correctly identifying the pest, homeowners or pest control professionals can avoid using unnecessary or inappropriate treatments, which can save time, and money, and prevent unnecessary exposure to pesticides.

Routine inspections: Routine inspections can help in detecting pest infestations at an early stage, which can prevent extensive damage to the structure and keep nuisance pests at bay. The sooner a pest problem is identified, the easier and less costly it is to manage. Regular inspections allow homeowners and pest control professionals to identify potential risk factors for pest infestations, such as cracks, crevices, or moisture problems, and take preventive measures. By regularly monitoring pest activity, homeowners can devise and adjust treatment plans based on the current situation, making pest control efforts more effective. In summary, routine inspections help in early detection, prevention, effective treatment planning, minimizing health risks, and maintaining property value.

Sanitation and regular maintenance:

  • Eliminate Food Sources: Proper sanitation can help eliminate potential food sources that attract pests. Many pests are attracted to areas where food and water are readily available.
  • Reduce Breeding Sites: Regular landscape maintenance can help reduce potential breeding sites for pests. For example, standing water can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and overgrown vegetation can provide shelter for rodents and insects.
  • Early Detection: Regular maintenance and sanitation checks can lead to early detection of pest problems, allowing for quicker and more effective treatment.
  • Preserve Property Value: Maintaining a clean and well-kept landscape can help preserve the property’s value by preventing pest infestations that can cause structural damage.

Exclusion: Exclusion involves making modifications to buildings or landscapes to prevent pests from gaining access. This can include sealing cracks and crevices, installing door sweeps, or screening vents to name a few.

  • Prevent Entry: Maintaining the landscape can help prevent pests from entering the structure. For instance, trimming trees and shrubs that touch the building can prevent pests from using them as bridges to enter the structure.
  • Long-term Solution: While other pest control methods such as the use of pesticides can provide immediate relief, exclusion provides a long-term solution by addressing the root cause of the problem.
  • Non-Chemical Approach: Exclusion is a non-chemical approach to pest control. It is an essential part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which emphasizes the use of non-chemical control methods whenever possible.
  • Cost-Effective: Although the initial cost of implementing exclusion methods can be high, the long-term benefits such as reduced reliance on pesticides and less frequent pest problems can make it a cost-effective solution.
  • Health and Safety: By preventing pests from entering structures, exclusion helps reduce the risk of diseases that pests can carry. It also reduces the need for pesticides, which can have health risks if not used properly.

March 2023 – Quick updates!

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Howdy to our followers!

My name is Bryant McDowell. I am the new Extension Program Specialist in Urban Integrated Pest Management located at the Dallas Research and Extension Center. I started my position with AgriLife in September 2022 and spent most of the Fall in new hire training and getting a feel for my new responsibilities. In addition to maintaining this webpage, I will be managing the IPM Experience House located here at the Dallas Center. This training facility is utilized to provide in-depth, hands-on learning opportunities to pest management professionals. I am currently developing this year’s curriculum, and I will be posting our course offerings/schedules on this site, as well as the IPM house webpage.


Aside from the courses we are developing for the IPM Experience House, I’ll be traveling throughout the state to give presentations to pest management professionals and Texas master volunteers. Additionally, I will be happy to assist both commercial and residential clients with insect identifications. Each submission will require a form to be filled out and attached to the package. This can either be printed off and filled (I will post the PDF to this webpage as soon as I have a final version), or I will have them available at the front office of our facilities if you choose to drop-off in person. NOTE* Please read our insect ID disclosure document before submitting specimens.


I’ll be posting regular updates throughout the year to this site – stay posted for the most updated information on insects in the Dallas area! In the meantime, be sure to follow our teams podcasts!


“Bugs by the Yard”, hosted by Molly Keck, Wizzie Brown, and yours truly – is for listeners who want to know more about Texas insects, whether you live in an urban environment, or a rural area, there is something here for everyone!




“Unwanted Guests”, hosted by those mentioned previously, as well as Janet Hurley and Dr. Robert Puckett – is for the average homeowner or even pest management professionals who want to learn more about insects and related arthropods that invade our structures.



You can find our episodes on the Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or listen online here:




Open House November 4, 2022 to Welcome our new Entomologist

Bryant McDowell and Janet Hurley

Bryant McDowell and Janet Hurley

It is with much please to announce that we have hired a new entomologist for the Dallas Center.  Mr. Bryant McDowell graduated with his Master of Science in Entomology in 2019 from Texas A&M University.  His thesis: Population genetics and the colony breeding structure of the invasive tawny crazy ant, Nylanderia fulva, in Texas will allow him to help Texans with identifying ants.

McDowell’s role as the Extension Program Specialist for Urban IPM will be to support the IPM Experience House by providing training classes for pest management professionals.  In addition to the IPM House, Bryant will also be supporting Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s County Agents with insect identification, master volunteer training and supporting county programs.

McDowell will also support the school IPM program by helping with the educational events that are conducted with Dr. Don Renchie at the four regional events.

Join us on Friday, November 4th from 3:00 – 6:00 PM at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center Water and Land Resources Building for light refreshments and a chance to talk to the entomologist.  Tours of the IPM Experience House will also be available. Follow this link to register.

There is no charge to attend; however, we are asking that everyone register so that we can have an accurate head count for the food and beverages.  Even this planner knows it’s a Friday afternoon during football season, so we do suggest wearing your favorite sports team gear as well.

To our past and present donors, our registration website has a place for you to sign up to donate to the IPM Experience House.  Bryant and I are hoping to use this event, our fall IPM seminar Nov. 15th and rodent academy to ‘pick’ your brains on what classes you would like to see us hold in 2023.

Native bees need love too!

Bees are more attracted to flowers of certain colors. Shades in the blue and purple family can be especially successful in attracting pollinators to your garden. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Susan Himes)

A Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert wants people to better understand and appreciate our native bee pollinators.

When people see a bee in their garden, many assume it is a honeybee when, odds are, it is actually a native bee,” said Molly Keck, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist and entomologist, San Antonio.

She said, in the simplest of terms, a native bee is usually any bee except a honeybee since honeybees are not native to the Americas.

And while bees can look very similar or very different from each other, most bees have a “fuzzy” looking body, unlike wasps who are shiny and “smoother” looking.

Giving credit where credit is due

There are over 200,000 species of pollinators, and about 199,000 of them are insects.

There are over 4,000 species of bees in the U.S., making them the MVP of pollinators. And a bee’s work is never done, considering that 90% of flowering plants require a pollinator.

Honeybees play a key role in agriculture, but native bees are just as important, Keck said.

“There are native bee species that are 17 times more efficient as pollinators than honeybees,” she said.

Native bees are also better at pollinating some of the most beloved backyard crops — including tomatoes, blueberries and pumpkins — making them the heroes of home gardeners everywhere.

Natives thrive on variety

Bumble bee Bombini spp

Whereas honeybees prefer blanketed areas of the same food source, such as a field of a single crop, native bees are all about variety.

The more types of flowers, fruits and vegetables that grow in a garden, the more native bees you can expect to see.

“Essentially, to attract native bees, you want to have many different mini-landscapes inside your yard,” Keck said.

She said to get an example of a native bee’s ideal habitat, picture an English garden with hedgerows, pasture, plants and flowers.

Bees are drawn to flowers because of their scent as well as the shape of their flower. They also are attracted to bright colors, especially blues and violets. Red they see as dark, like brown and black, and isn’t as appealing.

“Native bees feed in ‘pockets,’ so you don’t need as much space to attract them as honeybees,” Keck said. “You’ll just need a variety of food sources for them.”

Although bees may have a harder time finding their way to a garden balcony in a large city, a pollinator garden can be a success anywhere. Having gardens in cities also provides a key nutritional resource in what could be a food desert for native bees.

Texans with yards may consider not having turf everywhere, leaving some land uncultivated and allowing some ground to stay bare. Some native bees, like the mason bee, use mud as mortar to build their homes and having mud on the ground when the weather allows is also attractive.

Around 70% of bees nest underground rather than the traditional hives many people envision and that honeybees call home.

That might (not) sting

bee hotel

A bee hotel is a focal point of your garden, and can succeed in attracting native bees. (Image Mike Merchant)

Although all female bees can sting, most native females won’t sting unless trapped, hurt or directly threatened.

“Native bees are unlikely to sting you,” Keck said. “Honeybees are more territorial and likely to defend with a sting.”

In other words, don’t try to catch a native bee and you won’t have too much to worry about. However, if you are allergic to bees, it is smart to avoid all types, as well as wasps and other flying-insect venoms, Keck warned.

A native bee retains its stinger after a strike, whereas a honeybee sting is fatal for the bee. And male bees? Neither honey nor native has any sting at all. However, there are far more female than male bees, so it is safe to assume a bee you see does have a stinger.

Extinction concern?

Keck said it’s important for every Texan to be aware of the need to protect bee habitats, although there is no threat of extinction in our state quite yet.

“I think the amount of undeveloped land we have in Texas is part of the reason our numbers are still good,” she said. “But as urban areas expand and the sprawl increases, we could start to see the same bee population problems some other areas face.”

Whereas honeybees have been domesticated or managed for thousands of years, native bees are still independent contractors.

“Native bees do an equally important job as honeybees and for some crops like fruit, native bees are even better pollinators,” Keck said. “To create an environment for them to thrive is something every Texan can support.”

Written by Susan Himes

Butterfly Gardening and Butterflies 101

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Learn how to create a butterfly garden you can enjoy for years! This course will teach you how to attract butterflies as well as identify the common types of butterflies in Texas. With an interactive garden and numerous videos, you will learn what types of plants will draw butterflies to your location.

Visit our AgriLife Learn website to sign up today! Start Learning 

Prevent the spread of oak wilt in Texas this spring

All oak trees are susceptible to oak wilt.

Texans can do their part to protect oak trees from oak wilt this spring.

Oak wilt is one of the deadliest tree diseases in the U.S., killing millions of oaks in 76 counties of Central, North and West Texas, but its impact can be mitigated.

Prevention is key to stopping the spread of oak wilt, said Demian Gomez, Texas A&M Forest Service regional forest health coordinator. Any new wound, including from pruning, construction activities, livestock, land or cedar clearing, lawnmowers, string trimmers and storms, can be an entry point for the pathogen that infects trees.

“With wounds being the best entry point for the disease, landowners should avoid pruning or wounding trees from February through June,” Gomez said. “And no matter the time of year, to decrease the attractiveness of fresh wounds to insects, always paint oak tree wounds.”

How it spreads

Oak wilt can spread two ways – above ground or underground. (Texas A&M Forest Service photo)

Oak wilt is caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum. The fungus invades the xylem – the water-conducting vessels of the trees – and the tree responds by plugging the tissues, resulting in a lack of water to the leaves, slowly killing the infected tree.

Oak wilt can spread two ways – above ground or underground. The disease is spread above ground more rapidly this time of year, in late winter and spring, because of high fungal mat production and high insect populations.

During this time, oak trees that died may produce spore mats under the bark. The fruity smell from these mats attract small, sap-feeding beetles that can later fly to a fresh wound of another oak tree and infect it, starting a new oak wilt center. 

The second way oak wilt can spread is underground by traveling through interconnected root systems from tree to tree. Oak wilt spreads an average of 75 feet per year by the root system.

All oaks are susceptible to oak wilt. Red oaks are the most susceptible and can die in as little as one month after being infected.

Live oaks show intermediate susceptibility but can spread the disease easily due to their interconnected root systems. The interconnected root systems in live oaks are responsible for most tree deaths and spread of oak wilt in Central Texas. White oaks are the least susceptible, but they are not immune to infection.

Oak wilt is often recognized in live oaks by yellow and brown veins showing in leaves of infected trees, known as venial necrosis. Currently, it may be difficult to diagnose due to seasonal transitioning of oak leaves in the spring – when evergreen oak trees shed their old leaves while simultaneously growing new leaves.

The signs can be seen on a majority of leaves when a tree is fully infected. Landowners should contact a certified arborist if they are unsure if their tree is infected.

“For red oaks particularly, one of the first symptoms of oak wilt is leaves turning red or brown during the summer,” said Gomez. “While red oaks play a key role in the establishment of new disease centers, live oaks and white oaks move oak wilt through root grafts.”

How to fight

To stop the spread of oak wilt through the root system, trenches can be placed around a group of trees, at least 100 feet away from the dripline of infected trees and at least 4 feet deep, or deeper, to sever all root connections. 

Another common management method is fungicide injection. The injections are only a preventative measure to protect individual trees. The best candidates for this treatment are healthy, non-symptomatic oaks up to 100 feet away from symptomatic trees. 

Other ways to help prevent oak wilt are to plant other tree species to create tree diversity in the area; avoid moving oak firewood before it is seasoned; and talk with your neighbors about creating a community prevention plan. Infected red oaks that died should be cut down and burned, buried or chipped soon after discovery to prevent fungal mats that may form the following spring.

Not only is saving oak trees important for our ecosystem and health, but oak wilt can also reduce property values by 15-20%. 

Some cities and municipalities, including Austin, Lakeway, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Round Rock, have programs in place with municipal foresters dedicated to managing the disease. Texans can also contact their local Texas A&M Forest Service representative with any questions about this devastating disease.

For more information on oak wilt identification and management, visit or Texas A&M Forest Service’s website at

Asian Lady Beetle Invasions

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seven spotted lady beetle on milkweed

Seven spotted lady beetle on milkweed

It is that time of year when Asian Lady Beetles make an appearance indoors, and usually in large numbers. While they can be a major nuisance, they shouldn’t cause panic and some simple exclusion practices can help prevent this issue in the future.

Asian Lady Beetles are not native to Texas – they were introduced from Asia to the United States in 1960s and 1990s as a UDSA project to help reduce agricultural pests in several Southern and Eastern States from Louisiana to Connecticut.  They are now found throughout the United States either from natural spread or from further introductions into the United States from Japan on freighters.

Asian Lady Beetles are a true lady beetle, better known as a ladybug.  They are wonderful biological control agents of pests such as aphids in nature and during warmer months, help control those pests in our landscape.  During colder, winter months, they have a trait that makes them different from other ladybugs – their propensity to find harborage in protected spaces, which often is our warm home.  One way to tell the difference between Asian Lady Beetles and other species is that these guys have a marking behind their head that looks like an M.

Asian Lady Beetle in window Mohammed El Damir

Asian Lady Beetles found in the window of a home

Asian Lady Beetles tend to be attracted to light or lit surfaces and will congregate in mass numbers on sunny, Southwest sides of buildings.  Especially those structure that are lighter in coloration, but really any surface will do as long as it is warmed by the afternoon sun.  They will soon find cracks and crevices to squeeze through and often times get into eaves of homes, attics, or directly indoors.

When we have these up and down temperatures in winter, typical of Texas, they will become active on the warmer days and are noticeable inside the home, clustering and flying around windows, door frames or lights.

The good news is that Asian Lady Beetles are not harmful to humans or pets.  Even when consumed, they are not known to be toxic, although I imagine if a dog ate too many, it would get an upset stomach.  But what they will do is leave a yellow stain on walls and surfaces, emit an musty odor, and just be a plain nuisance.  You may love ladybugs outside in your garden, but who wants them indoors?

How do you get rid of them?  Prevention is key, but it’s often times thought of too late.  Seal up around cracks and crevices along windows and eaves, use screens on vents and large holes, replace weather stripping that is worn around door frames.  For those already inside, vacuum them up!  Throw them back outside and let them do their thing in nature.

Pesticide treatments are not always effective.  It’s best not to focus on the indoors, but outside where they are entering.  Where they are applied is key – put the pesticide where the ladybugs are entering…. but if you know where that is, seal it up!  The entry points are usually vents, eaves, soffits, windows and doors.  Apply synthetic pyrethroids, such as bifenthrin, lamda cyhalothrin, delatmethrin, or cyfluthrin.  But if the ladybugs are already indoors, it’s too late to spray.  In that case, pull out the vacuum.

OR – consider your house lucky!  Ladybugs are considered a sign of luck after all!

Want to learn more check out our Unwanted Guests Podcast 

Written by Molly Keck, Senior Extension Program Specialist

Are ladybugs harmful? Annual swarms, home invasion raise questions about native, Asian beetles

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seven spotted lady beetle on milkweed

Seven spotted lady beetle on milkweed

The annual ladybug invasion appears to be in motion.

Reports of ladybird beetles, commonly known as ladybugs, invading homes and structures across the southern U.S. have raised questions and concerns.

According to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert, ladybugs are definitely a friend, but sometimes even friends can wear out their welcome.

Wizzie Brown, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist, Austin, said the increased sightings of ladybugs inside homes and structures are related to colder temperatures. They are crawling through cracks and crevices around the home to find warm, dry spots as temperatures outside drop.

Brown said ladybugs are a beneficial insect to gardeners. They are an effective predator against soft-bodied insect pests like aphids that can affect ornamental plants and devastate fruit and vegetable production.

“If they’re outside and not bothering you, it’s best to just leave them alone,” she said. “Having them overwinter around your home means it’s likely you will have good populations present when garden pests start emerging in the spring.”

Native ladybugs versus the Asian lady beetle

Despite their benefits outside, ladybugs can be a nuisance when they invade homes, she said. They can stain fabrics and are smelly when they die or when they release a fluid used as a defense mechanism. Sometimes, when they feel threatened, ladybugs can bite.

Native ladybugs prefer to hibernate outside, but their counterparts, the Asian lady beetle, prefer indoors, so it is likely that invading beetles are the invasive species, Brown said. Native ladybugs and Asian lady beetles are different species. Aside from their overwintering preferences, provide the same benefits around vegetable gardens and landscapes.

Both native and Asian ladybugs can share similar colors and spots, Brown said. Asian ladybugs can be identified by a small M or W, depending on how you look at them, on the shield-like section behind their head.

“They are both ladybird beetle species, and while the Asian species tends to be a brownish-red or orange with spots, they can also be red with spots,” she said. “So, the best way to differentiate them is the M or W.”

How to remove ladybugs from my home

If ladybugs are moving indoors in very large numbers, Brown said, homeowners can easily remove them and practice exclusion methods around the home to prevent future entry.

Brown suggests sucking them up with a vacuum cleaner and either bagging them for the trash or releasing them outside.

To prevent ladybugs from entering a building, Brown suggests exclusion methods, including:

  • Pruning trees and shrubs back away from the house or roof.
  • Moving firewood or other items that might harbor insects away from the house.
  • Installing weather stripping around loose-fitting doors and windows.
  • Blocking weep holes in brick or stone facades.
  • Using caulk or expanding foam to fill cracks and crevices on the outside of the house and around pipe and wire penetrations.
  • Keeping window screens in good repair.
  • Using stainless steel mesh wire to block potential access points in the attic, including vents.

“Ladybird beetle invasions are very sporadic,” she said. “If you’ve had an issue before, it is likely to happen again, but environmental conditions and what is going on around the house play a big role in their activity from year to year. The good thing is, if you practice the exclusion methods, you’re going to prevent other insect pests that might be looking for shelter this time of year from entering your home.”

Are ladybugs harmful to pets?

Brown said pet owners should not worry about ladybugs poisoning their animals. A story and photo that continues to circulate on the internet about a dog with the ladybugs in its mouth is about one instance.

“Apparently the dog was one that eats anything and everything, and it got into a large number of ladybird beetles,” she said. “Some ladybugs were clamping down in its mouth and releasing their defensive fluid trying to avoid being eaten, so you get the viral photo and subsequent panic among pet owners. But veterinarians have tried to dispel any hysteria and agree there is really very little concern about their toxicity beyond some possible stomach irritation.”

Written By Adam Russell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Communication Specialist

Fluffy Moths Flying

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Eastern Buck moth

Eastern Buck Moth

You may have noticed a emergence of fluffy black colored moths flying around or flapping around on the ground.

I noticed this emergence this morning and have to believe there was something in the weather that has sparked them all to emerge from their pupal cases as adults.

These moths are none other than the adult form of those (maybe long forgotten) spiny caterpillars that we all dreaded this spring – the Eastern Buck Moth.

Adults are fluffy and are primarily black in color. They have a white band across the fore and hind wings and their abdomen is orange. They are actually really pretty moths when viewed up close. Adults are known to fly around October to November – so we are right on track – and after mating will lay their eggs in clusters. Those eggs will make it through the winter until spring, when they will hatch and the larvae will emerge again. After feeding, the larvae pupate and they remain in the pupal case until about now, when the cycle starts all over again.

buckmoth pupa

Eastern Buck Moth recently emerged from pupa. Wings yet to completely unfold.

Adults do not have functioning mouthparts, so unfortunately they are not pollinating anything.  Just mating, laying eggs, and dying.  In the meantime, they are providing a food source for birds and other predators.  I have been watching the mockingbirds chase them around the sky for a quick snack.

The larvae do have spines that are painful when touched.  This is their defense mechanism against predators and unfortunate humans and dogs may be innocent victims.  Their hosts are oaks and they prefer oak forests, so are more likely to be found in more rural areas, established neighborhoods with many oaks, or if you live next to an urban forest or park. 

The pupa are interesting because they have been known to remain for up to two year.  The Spring of 2020 was the first year I can recall seeing large numbers of the caterpillars.  The Spring of 2021 everyone else seemed to notice them too, so we’ve had two years for the population to build up.  If conditions are right (and who will know!), this large adult emergence may mean an above average population of caterpillars next Spring.  Time will tell!

Eastern Buck Moth caterpillar

Eastern Buck Moth caterpillar

What should you do?  Nothing right now.  Let the birds and lizards have their Thanksgiving meals and we’ll see what happens.  It is difficult to predict.  However, come Spring, if you hear, see, or find them chomping on your trees and have trees you want to save, be sure to use a foliar spray and click here for more information on treatments.

Written by: Molly Keck, BCE, Senior Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management