Briske, D.D., S.R. Archer, E. Burchfield, W. Burnidge, J.D. Derner, H. Gosnell, J. Hatfield, C.E. Kazanski, M. Khalil, T.J. Lark, P. Nagler, O. Sala, N.F. Sayre, K.R. Stackhouse- Lawson. 2023. Supplying ecosystem services on US rangelands. Nature Sustainability.
Briske, D.D. and D.L. Coppock. 2023. Rangeland stewardship envisioned through a planetary lens. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 38: 2
Jorns, T.R., J.D. Derner, D.J. Augustine, D.D. Briske, L.M. Porensky, J.D. Scasta, J.L. Beck and S. Lake. 2022. Movement dynamics and energy expenditure of yearling steers under contrasting grazing management in shortgrass steppe. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 85: 38-47.
Martin, J.M., J. Zarestky, D.D. Briske and P.S. Barbosa. 2021. Vulnerability assessment of the multi-sector North American bison Bison bison management system to climate change. People and Nature. 3:711-722.
Derner, J.D., D. J. Augustine, D.D. Briske, H. Wilmer, L.M. Porensky, M.E. Fernández-Giménez, D.E. Peck, J.P. Ritten and the CARM Stakeholder Group. 2021. Can Collaborative Adaptive Management Improve Cattle Production in Multi-paddock Grazing Systems? Rangeland Ecology & Management 2021 75: 1-8.
Briske, D.D., J.P. Ritten, A.R. Campbell, T. Klemm, and A.E.H. King. 2021. Future Climate Variability Will Challenge Rangeland Beef Cattle Production in the Great Plains. Rangelands 43(1): 29-36.
Stern, M.J., D.D. Briske, and A.M. Meadow. 2021. Opening learning spaces to create actionable knowledge for conservation and environmental management. Conservation Science & Practice 2021; e378
Klemm, T., D. D. Briske, and M. C. Reeves. 2020. Potential natural vegetation and NPP responses to future climates in the U.S. Great Plains. Ecosphere 11(10):e03264. 10.1002/ecs2.3264
Briske D.D., D.L. Coppock, A.W. Illius and S.D. Fuhlendorf. 2020. Strategies for global rangeland stewardship- Assessment through the lens of the equilibrium–nonequilibrium debate. Journal of Applied Ecol0gy. 57(6):1056-1067.
Augustine, D. J., Derner, J.D., Fernandez-Gimenez, M.E., Porensky, L.M., Wilmer, H., Briske, D.D., CARM Stakeholder Group. Adaptive, multipaddock rotational grazing management- A ranch-scale assessment of effects on vegetation and livestock performance in semiarid rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 73:796-810.
Klemm, T., D.D. Briske, and M.C. Reeves. 2020. Vulnerability of rangeland beef cattle production to climate-induced NPP fluctuations in the US Great Plains. Global Change Biology. 26:4841–4853.
T. Klemm and D.D. Briske. 2019 Retrospective Assessment of Beef Cow Numbers to Climate Variability Throughout the U.S. Great Plains. Rangeland Ecology & Management,
Reynolds, A.Q., J.D. Derner, D.J. Augustine, L.M. Porensky, H. Wilmer, T. Jorns, D.D. Briske, J.D. Scasta, M. Fernandez-Gimenez & CARM Stakeholder Group. 2019. Ecological Sites: Can they be Managed to Promote Livestock Production? Rangelands 41(6):239-243.
Fernandez-Gimenez, M., D.J. Augustine, L.M. Porensky, H. Wilmer, J.D. Derner, D.D. Briske and M.O. Stewart. 2019. Complexity fosters learning in collaborative adaptive management. Ecology & Society 24(2):29
Byakagaba, P., A. Egeru. B. Barasa, and D.D. Briske. 2018. Uganda’s rangeland policy: Intensions, consequences and opportunities. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 8(7)
Wilmer, H., J.D. Derner, M.E. Fernández-Giménez, D.D. Briske, D.J. Augustine, L.M. Porensky, with the CARM stakeholder group. 2018. Collaborative adaptive rangeland management fosters management-science partnerships. Rangeland Ecology & Management 71:646-657.
Wilmer, H., D.J. Augustine, J.D. Dener, M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez, D.D. Briske, L.M. Roche, K.W. Tate, and K.E. Miller. 2018. Diverse management strategies produce similar ecological outcomes on ranches in Western Great Plains: Social-ecological assessment. Rangeland Ecology & Management 71:626-636.
Bagchi, S., N.J. Singh, D.D. Briske, B.T. Bestelmeyer, M.P. McClaran, and K. Murthy. 2017. Quantifying long-term plant community dynamics with movement models: Implications for ecological resilience. Ecological Applications 27(5):1514-1528.
Steiner, J.L., D.D. Briske, D.P. Brown, and C.M. Rottler. 2017. Vulnerability of Southern Plains agriculture to climate change. Climatic Change.
Derner, J., D. Briske, M. Reeves, R. Brown-Brandl, M. Meehan, D. Blumenthal, W. Travis, D. Augustine, H. Wilmer, D. Scasta, J. Hendrickson, J. Volesky, L. Edwards, and D. Peck. 2017. Vulnerability of grazing and confined livestock in the Northern Great Plains to projected mid- and late-twenty-first century climate. Climatic Change.
Briske, D.D., B.T. Bestelmeyer, J.R. Brown, M.W. Brunson, T.L. Thurow, and J.A. Tanaka. 2017. Assessment of USDA-NRCS rangeland conservation programs: Recommendations for an evidence-based platform. Ecological Applications 27(1):94-104.
Williamson, J.C., B.T. Bestelmeyer, M.P. McClaran, D. Robinett, D.D. Briske, X.B. Wu, M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez. 2016. Can ecological land classification increase the utility of vegetation monitoring data? Ecological Indicators 69:657-666.
Fleischman, F.D. and D.D. Briske. 2016. Professional ecological knowledge: What are the implications of this unrecognized knowledge domain to natural resource management? Ecology & Society 21(1):32.
Briske, D.D., M. Zhao, G. Han, et al. 2015. Strategies to alleviate poverty and grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia: intensification vs production efficiency of livestock systems. Journal of Environmental Management 152:177-182.
Briske, D.D., L.A. Joyce, H.W. Polley, J.R. Brown, K. Wolter, J.A. Morgan, B.A. McCarl, and D.W. Bailey. 2015. Climate change adaptation on rangelands: Linking regional exposure with diverse adaptive capacity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13:249-256.
Briske, D.D., B.T. Bestelmeyer, J.R. Brown, S.D. Fuhlendorf, and H.W. Polley. 2014. The Savory method can not green deserts or reverse climate change. Rangelands 35:72-74.
Briske, D.D., A.J. Ash, J.D. Derner and L. Huntsinger. 2014. A critical assessment of the policy endorsement for holistic management. Agricultural Systems 125:50-53.
Bagchi, S., D.D. Briske, B.T. Bestelmeyer, and X.B. Wu. 2013. Assessing resilience and state-transition models with historical records of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion in North American sagebrush-steppe. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:1131-1141.
Volder, A., D.D. Briske and M.G. Tjoelker. 2013. Climate warming and precipitation redistribution modify tree–grass interactions and tree species establishment in a warm-temperate savanna. Global Change Biology 19:843-857.
Polley, H.W., D.D. Briske, J.A. Morgan, K. Wolter, D.W. Bailey and J.R. Brown. 2013. Climate change and North American rangelands: trends, projections and implications. Commissioned synthesis: Rangeland Ecology & Management 66:493-511.
Joyce, L.A., D.D. Briske, J.R. Brown, H.W. Polley, B.A. McCarl and D.W. Bailey. 2013. Climate change and North American rangelands: assessment of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Commissioned synthesis: Rangeland Ecology & Management 66:512-528.
Bestelmeyer, B.T. and D.D. Briske. 2012. Grand challenges for resilience-based management of rangelands. Rangeland Ecology & Management 65:654-663.
Briske, D.D. 2012. Translational science partnerships: key to environmental stewardship. BioScience 62:449-450.
Bagchi, S., D.D. Briske, X.B. Wu, M.P. McClaran and B.T. Bestelmeyer. 2012. Empirical assessment of state-and-transition models with a long-term vegetation record from the Sonoran Desert. Ecological Applications 22:400-411.
Derner, J.D., D.D. Briske and H.W. Polley. 2012. Tiller organization within the tussock grass Schizachyrium scoparium: a field assessment of competition-cooperation tradeoffs. Botany 90:669-677.
Briske, D.D., N.F. Sayre, L. Huntsinger, M. Fernandez-Gimenez, B. Budd and J.D. Derner. 2011. Origin, persistence, and resolution of the rotational grazing debate: Integrating human dimensions into rangeland research. Rangeland Ecology & Management 64:325-334.
Knapp, C.N., M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez, D.D. Briske, B.T. Bestelmeyer, and X.B. Wu. 2011. An assessment of state-and-transition models: perceptions following two decades of development and implementation. Rangeland Ecology & Management 64:598-606.
Briske, D.D., R.A. Washington-Allen, C.R. Johnson, J.A. Lockwood, D.R. Lockwood, T.K. Stringham and H.H. Shugart. 2010. Catastrophic Thresholds: A Synthesis of Conecepts, Perspectives, and Applications. Ecology and Society 15(3):37.
Washington-Allen, R.A., D.D. Briske, H.H. Shugart and L.F. Salo. 2010. Introduction to Special Feature on Catastrophic Thresholds, Perspectives, Definitions, and Applications. Ecology and Society 15(3):38.
Volder, A., M.G. Tjoelker and D.D. Briske. 2010. Contrasting phyiological responsiveness of establishing trees and a C4 grass to rainfall events, intensified summer drought, and warming in oak savanna. Global Change Biology 16:3349-3362.
Knapp, A.K., C. Beier, D.D. Briske, A.T. Classen, Y. Luo, M. Reichstein, M.D. Smith, S.D. Smith, J.E. Bell, P.A. Fay, J.L. Heisler, S.W. Leavitt, R. Sherry, B. Smith and E. Weng. 2008. Consequences of more extreme precipitation regimes for terrestrial ecosystems. BioScience 58-811-821.
Briske, D.D., B.T. Bestelmeyer, T.K. Stringham and P.L. Shaver. 2008. Recommendations for development of resilience-based state-and-transition models. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61:359-367
Briske, D.D., J.D. Derner, J.R. Brown, S.D. Fuhlendorf, W.R. Teague, K.M. Havstad, R.L. Gillen, A.J. Ash and W.D. Willms. 2008. Rotational grazing on rangelands: reconciliation of perception and experimental evidence. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61:3-17.
Monson, R.K,. N. Trahan, T.N. Rosenstiel, P. Veres, D. Moore, M. Wilkinson, R.J. Norby, A. Volder, M.G., Tjoelker, D.D. Briske, D.F. Karnosky and R. Fall. 2007. Isoprene emission from terrestrial ecosystems in response to global change: minding the gap between models and observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 365:1677-1695.
Derner, J.D., T.W. Boutton and D.D. Briske. 2006. Grazing and ecosystem carbon storage in the North American Great Plains. Plant and Soil 280:77-90.
Briske, D.D., S.D. Fuhlendorf and F.E. Smeins. 2006. A unified framework for assessment and application of ecological thresholds. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59:225-236.
Briske, D.D., S.D. Fuhlendorf and F.E. Smeins. 2005. State-and-transition models, thresholds, and rangeland health: a synthesis of ecological concepts and perspectives. Rangeland Ecology and Management 58:1-10.
Briske, D.D., S.D. Fuhlendorf and F.E. Smeins. 2003. Vegetation dynamics on rangelands: a critique of the current paradigms. Journal of Applied Ecology 40:601-614.
Hendon, B.C. and D.D. Briske. 2002. Relative herbivory tolerance and competitive ability in two dominant:subordinate pairs of perennial grasses in a native grassland. Plant Ecology 160:43-51.
Noy-Meir, I. and D.D. Briske. 2002. Response of wild wheat populations to grazing in Mediterranean grasslands: the relative influence of defoliation, competition, mulch and genotype. Journal of Applied Ecology 39:259-278.
Derner, J.D. and D.D. Briske. 2001. Below-ground carbon and nitrogen accumulation in perennial grasses: a comparison of caespitose and rhizomatous growth forms. Plant and Soil 237:117-127.
Fuhlendorf, S.D., D.D. Briske and F.E. Smeins. 2001. Herbaceous vegetation change in variable rangeland environments: the relative contribution of grazing and climatic variability. Applied Vegetation Science 4:177-188.
Busso, C.A., D.D. Briske and V. Olalde-Portugal. 2001. Root traits associated with nutrient exploitation following defoliation in three coexisting perennial grasses in a semi-arid savanna. Oikos 93: 332-342.
Monaco, T.A. and D.D. Briske. 2001. Contrasting shade avoidance responses in two perennial grasses: a field investigation in simulated sparse and dense canopies. Plant Ecology 156:173-182.
Monaco, T.A. and D.D. Briske. 2000. Does resource availability modulate shade avoidance responses to the ratio of red to far-red irradiation? An assessment of radiation quantity and soil volume. New Phytologist 146:37-46.
Derner, J.D. and D.D. Briske. 1999. Intraclonal regulation in a perennial caespitose grass: a field evaluation of above- and below-ground resource availability. Journal of Ecology 87:1-12.
Derner, J.D. and D.D. Briske. 1999. Does a tradeoff exist between morphological and physiological root plasticity? A comparison of grass growth forms. Acta Oecologica 20:519-526.
Briske, D.D. and J.R. Hendrickson. 1998. Does selective defoliation mediate competitive interactions in a semiarid savanna? Does selective defoliation mediate competitive interactions in a semiarid savanna? A demographic field evaluation. Journal of Vegetation Science 9:611-622.
Derner, J.D. and D.D. Briske. 1998. An isotopic assessment of intraclonal regulation in C4 perennial grasses: ramet interdependence, independence or both? Journal of Ecology 86:305-314.
Hendrickson, J.R. and D.D. Briske. 1997. Axillary bud banks of two semiarid perennial grasses: Occurrence, longevity, and contribution to population persistence. Oecologia 110:584-591.
Hendon, B.C. and D.D. Briske. 1997. Demographic evaluation of a herbivory-sensitive perennial bunchgrass: Does it possess an achilles heel? Oikos 80:8-17.
Derner, J.D., D.D. Briske and T.W. Boutton. 1997. Does grazing mediate soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation beneath C4, perennial grasses along an environmental gradient? Plant and Soil 191:147-156.
Briske, D.D., T.W. Boutton and Z. Wang. 1996. Contribution of flexible allocation priorities to herbivory tolerance in C4 perennial grasses: An evaluation with 13C labeling. Oecologia 105:151-159.
Noy-Meir, I. and D.D. Briske. 1996. Fitness components of grazing-induced population reduction in a dominant annual, Triticum dicoccoides (wild wheat). Journal of Ecology 84:439-448.
Anderson, V.J. and D.D. Briske. 1995. Herbivore-induced species replacement in grasslands: Is it driven by herbivory tolerance or avoidance. Ecological Applications 5:1014-1024.
Murphy, J.S. and D.D. Briske. 1994. Density-dependent regulation of ramet recruitment by the red:far-red ratio of solar radiation: A field evaluation with the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium. Oecologia 97:462-469.
Briske, D.D. 1993. Grazing optimization: A plea for a balanced perspective. Ecological Applications 3:24-26.
Welker, J.M. and D.D. Briske. 1992. Clonal biology of the temperate caespitose graminoid Schizachyrium scoparium: A synthesis with implications to climate change. Oikos 63:357-365.
Murphy, J.S. and D.D. Briske. 1992. Regulation of tillering by apical dominance: Chronology, interpretative value, and current perspectives. Journal of Range Management 45:419-430.
Briske, D.D. and V.J. Anderson. 1992. Competitive ability of the bunchgrass Schizachyriumscoparium as affected by grazing history and defoliation. Vegetatio 103:41-49.
Welker, J.M., D.D. Briske and R.W. Weaver. 1991. Intraclonal nitrogen allocation in the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium: An assessment of the physiological individual. Functional Ecology 5:433-440.
Williams, D.G. and D.D. Briske. 1991. Size and ecological significance of the physiological individual in the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium. Oikos 62:41-47.
Briske, D.D. and V. J. Anderson. 1990. Tiller dispersion in populations of the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium: Implications for herbivory tolerance. Oikos 59:50-56.
Heitschmidt, R.K., D.D. Briske and D.L. Price. 1990. Patterns of interspecific tiller defoliation in a mixed-grass prairie grazed by cattle. Grass and Forage Science 45:215-222.