Date of Event: March 22nd, 2025
Entries Open: February 24th – March 10th, 2025
Late entries will be accepted from March 11th-14th with a $10 late fee per member.
Late entries will not be accepted after March 14th.
- Check or cash must be brought to the Extension Office by March 14th.
Location: Brazoria County AgriLife Extension Office: 21017 CR 171 Angleton, Texas 77515
Clover Kids can compete as participation ONLY. No placings will be given
Time: 9:00 am
You should receive an email notification once you have submitted your entry. If you do not receive this email, please try again. If you continue to have problems, please contact the Extension Office.
– Specific timeslots for presentations for Educational Presentation, Public Speaking, and Talent Showcase will be assigned after entry deadline.
– Agriculture Product ID, Consumer Decision Making, and Wildlife Challenge will be a come and go contest from at 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Virtual – Fashion Story Board, Photography Contest
– Entries will be displayed at Roundup
This contest provides youth the ability to further their knowledge and skills when evaluating ag products grown in Texas! For the Ag Product ID contest, 20-30 Texas agricultural products are selected and exhibited at separate stations. Contestants will need to identify the product, then answer a question about the product.
Consumer Decision Making
Contestants will use skills of consumer observation and comparison to make a fact-based purchases.
Wildlife Challenge
This contest will consist of 20-30 items to identify, and a skills assessment.
Educational Presentation
Educational presentations allow you to give a speech about a topic, using props and visual aids. You will be given a limited time to present your topic, then answer judges’ questions. If a PowerPoint Presentation will be used, the contestant will be required to bring their own flash drive to use during the presentation.
Public Speaking
Public speaking is an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas about various topics in a persuasive speech. You will be given a limited time to present your topic, then answer judges’ questions.
Fashion Story Board
“Dream” is the design brief for the 2025 Story Board contest. Please see the Rules and Guidelines for more information. Don’t forget the story board label!
Talent Showcase (formally known as Share the Fun)
With up to nine 4-H members, or individually, you can showcase their talent in one of several categories, including: 4-H Skit, Choreographed Routines, Variety Show, Musical/Instrumental, Poetry/Prose, Solo/Band, Performance, or Vocal.
Photography Contest
4-H Photography Contest encourages self-expression and allows youth to demonstrate skills learned in photography, including the use of photographic equipment and process of photographs.
Food Show
At the Brazoria County Food Show you choose a recipe from the contest categories and present it to a panel of judges. During your interview with the judges, you will show how you prepared it, the nutrients and ingredients, personal dietary needs, healthy substitutions, and a cost analysis.
Food Challenge
This contest challenges teams of 4-H members to create a dish using only a predetermined set of ingredients. From these ingredients, team members must identify and prepare the dish, then make a presentation about it to the judges.
Rules, Resources and Guidelines for all contests can be found at:
Click here for all contests Resources & Guidelines