Need $$$ for college? It’s time to get to work on your scholarship applications. Here are several opportunities :
Texas 4-H
Due February 15, 2025
Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program Opportunity Scholarships are ACADEMIC COMPETITIVE scholarships awarded each year to applicants based on their 4-H experience, academic record and financial need (for scholarships for which it is a prescribed criterion). The Texas 4-H and Youth Development Opportunity Scholarship Program is conducted in coordination with the Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program, the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation, and Texas AgriLife Extension Service.
The Texas 4-H Foundation seeks to ensure that each recipient receives the highest dollar amount of scholarship for which that recipient is eligible. For the majority of the total scholarships and scholarship funds available, participation in a livestock show is not a requirement for consideration for an Opportunity Scholarship.
For more information about the Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarships visit the Texas 4-H Foundation website.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE – The Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship Program provides scholarships in four different categories. Each type of scholarship has its own requirements and criteria. It is up to the applicant to make sure that he/she clearly understands the requirements and completes the application in order to be considered.
- Baccalaureate Scholarships – the traditional Texas 4-H Scholarship Program, for students who wish to pursue a Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from an accredited Texas College or University.
- Technical Certification Scholarships – for students who wish to pursue technical certification offered in the eligible majors/courses of study and from an approved Texas accredited college listed in the scholarship packet.
- Collegiate Scholarships – designated for former Texas 4-H members who have been graduated from high school for at least one year, and completed a minimum of 30 hours of college credit at a grade point average of at least 2.7. Some collegiate scholarships contain other award criteria. (See separate application and instructions).
- Courageous Heart Scholarships – special scholarships awarded to Texas 4-H members that have overcome extreme obstacles related to medical, family, and/or education and remained an active member of both 4-H and school. These scholarships can be presented to a 4-H member striving for either a baccalaureate or a technical degree.
Brazoria County 4-H Scholarship
Due April 1 – May 19
Brazoria County 4-H will award four scholarships to high school graduating seniors in the amounts of $1,000.00, $750.00, $500.00, and $500.00. Two collegiate scholarships will be awarded to former members in their first 2 years of post-secondary education in the amounts of $250.00 each. Applications are due to the Brazoria County 4-H office or emailed to and See each scholarship application for requirements.
Brazoria County 4-H Scholarship Application
Brazoria County 4-H Collegiate Scholarship Application
Texas Extension Education Association
Due February 15th each year
$1,000 – TEEA Scholarship
In order to be considered, high school senior 4-H members must submit a copy of their record book, an official high school transcript, two letters of recommendation (see guidelines), and completed TEEA 4-H Scholarship Application to the 4-H office. They will be turned over to Brazoria County EEA for consideration, Brazoria County EEA will select 1 applicant to be considered at the District 9 level. Two applicants from District 9 will be awarded the scholarship. Record books will be returned to applicants after review.
The Texas Home Demonstration Association was organized in August, 1926 by 399 women attending a Farmer’s Short course at A&M University. One of the purposes for organizing was to establish a scholarship for a deserving 4-H girl. This original scholarship of $200 has grown to 12 in 2002, given annually at $1000 each; however, in 1997, only four $l,000 scholarships were given due to lack of funds. Funding of these scholarships began with a 5 cent donation per member in 1926. Scholarships are now funded through the annual TEEA budget and awarded to a 4-H boy or girl.
Brazoria County Extension Education Association
Due February 15th each year
$500 – EEA Scholarship Application
Brazoria County Extension Education Association awards a Scholarship of $500 and will be awarded annually. A Scholarship will be available to a graduating high school senior who is a current 4-H member.
Completed application needs to be sent to the County Extension Office and must be postmarked by February 15th to be considered. The EEA scholarship winners will be announced at their annual Fun Day in May. Winners are encouraged to attend. For application click HERE
Texas A&M University Soil & Crop Sciences Department
The Texas A&M University Soil & Crop Sciences Department is offering high school seniors scholarships in the amount up to $8,000 for those in the degree areas of: Turfgrass Management Option, Soil & Crop Management Option, Agro-Industry Option, Soil Science Emphasis, or Plant Science Emphasis. More information can be found at
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Award
New Scholarship opportunity!! – HLSR once again has upped the ante! Earn a scholarship award in the amount of $18,000 over a period of four years. Deadlines are all in February and done online through the HLSR website. Please visit their webpage for more details and to apply. Don’t wait and let this opportunity pass for a great financial scholarship available to 4-H members.
San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. Rural Youth Award
The Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program in conjunction with the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation are pleased to announce the continued support from the San Antonio Livestock Exposition for the 2012 Rural Youth Awards. There will be 20 – $1,000 awards awarded for the 2012 year.
The San Antonio Livestock Exposition established the Rural Youth Award 54 years ago to honor youth leaders across the State of Texas. Today, this award provides recognition for 4-H and FFA members who have shown outstanding leadership in their organization and community. Texas youth involved in 4-H and FFA may apply for this award through only one organization. Rules and Applications posted online at the Texas 4-H website.
State Fair of Texas Scholarship
The State Fair of Texas scholarship applications – available to high school seniors who have participated in livestock and/or agricultural events at the State Fair of Texas. Students who plan to enroll in an agricultural-related field or in a natural science curriculum that benefits agriculture are eligible to apply. Colleges and universities must be in Texas; no out-of-state scholarships are awarded. Applicants can apply HERE
Brazoria County Fair Association
Don’t forget about the Brazoria County Fair Association’s scholarships either. This is an awesome opportunity for all our 4-Hers to further their education. Apply today if you have participated in Breeding Beef, Steer or the Calf Scramble at the fair. There are also two General Scholarships available as well. One is available for each school in Brazoria County ($4,000.00) and one for BBQ ($3,000.00) that don’t need the requirement of participation to the previously stated events. Click HERE for application.
Brazoria County Cattlemen’s Association
Additionally the Brazoria County Cattlemen’s Association has a scholarship available for $2,000.00 to a Brazoria County 12th grade student wishing to pursue a career in veterinary medicine or who intends to be in any other agricultural related field. Please visit the Brazoria County Fair website for access to this scholarship application.
Capital Farm Credit
Capital Farm Credit is committed to the communities we serve. As the largest agricultural lender in Texas, we have a unique opportunity to make a real difference. A big part of our mission is to help rural areas grow and thrive by providing farmers and ranchers with the capital they need to make their businesses successful. By providing support at the local level, we’re helping invest in the vibrancy of rural communities throughout Texas. Visit Capital Farm Credit to see all opportunities.
Event Scholarship Application