Next Camp Brisket scheduled for January 6-7, 2017

McKensie Harris showing the different styles of briskets

McKensie Harris showing the different styles of briskets

The next Camp Brisket, sponsored by Foodways Texas and the Meat Science Section of the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University, is scheduled for January 6-7, 2017. Camp Brisket is a two-day program that concentrates solely on that quintessential part of Texas Barbecue, the brisket, and the challenges faced with proper selection, trimming, seasoning, smoking, and serving. Camp Brisket is held on the campus of Texas A&M University at the Rosenthal Meat Center and the O.D. Butler Animal Science Complex.

Registration for Camp Brisket will be available on the Foodways Texas website ( sometime in August, 2016.

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