Various Body Condition Scoring System Charts

Body condition at calving and heat after calving(change)

BCS at Calving Number of Cows Percent in Heat Post calving
60 days 90 Days
Thin-5 272 46 66
Moderate- 6 364 61 92
Good-7 50 91 100

Body weight gains (lbs) required in pregnant cows from 100 to 200 days prior to calving

BCS Weaning BCS needed at Calving Calf and Placenta Weight Body Weight Gain Total Gain Days to Calving ADG(lbs)
3 5 100 160 260 120 2.2
4 5 100 80 180 120 1.5
5 5 100 0 100 120 0.8
3 5 100 160 260 200 1.3
3 5 100 160 260 100 2.6

*pounds to change BCS in moderate frame cows
Table adapted from Corah et al., 1991. Kansas Cooperative
Extension Service C-817

Condition and Rebreeding Performance

Item Condition Score at Calving
4 5 6 7
Numbers of cows 25 59 80 23
Pregnant first 20 days of breeding, % 4 13 36 65
Pregnant first 60 days of breeding, % 24 51 69 87

Michigan State University Extension

Effect of body condition at calving (going to change)

% Cycling by
Body Condition 50 Days after calving 70 days after calving 90 days after calving
1-3 34 55 66
4-6 45 79 92
7-9 42 96 100

University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Effect of body condition during breeding season on pregnancy (Sprott, 1985)

Body Condition During Breeding
4 or less 5 6 or more
Number of Cows 122 300 619
% Pregnant after 150 days 58 85 95

University of Missouri- Columbia

Effect of body condition score on cows in heat at the start of breeding season

Days after Calving
60 days 90 days
BCS at Calving Cows in Heat (%)
Thin (3-4) 46 66
Optimum(5-6) 61 92

Table adapted from Whittier and
Stevens, 1993. Missouri Cooperative
Extension Service G2230

Effect of condition score on percentage of cows cycling

Body Condition Number of Cows May June July
Early Calving Cows: Late March-Early April
Condition prior to calving 4 45 10.0 28.2 70.5
5 84 17.8 43.5 85.6
6 43 41.9 77.5 97.5
7 25 45.9 76.6 94.7
Late calving cows: Late April
Condition prior to calving 4 14 0.0 0.0 44.7
5 41 0.0 26.0 74.4
6 22 7.5 65.0 91.1
7 6 0.0 65.8 91.1

Corah, 1989a.

Predicting body weight gains in nursing cows in several Body Conditions

BCS Body weight gain needed for breeding
At Calving Needed at Breeding Total Pounds Needed Days to Breeding ADG(lbs)
3 5 160 80 2.0
4 5 80 80 1.0
5 5 0 80 0
3 5 160 60 2.7
3 5 160 40 4.0

*pounds to change BCS in moderate frame cows
Table adapted from Corah et al., 1991. Kansas
Cooperative Extension Service C-842

Relationship of Body Condition Score and Parity to Pregnancy rate,%

Parity Body Condition Score
<3 4 >5 All
1 20 53 90 84
2 28 50 84 71
3 23 60 90 85
4-7 48 72 92 87
>8 37 67 89 74
All 31 60 89 82

South Florida Beef- Forage Program

Relationship of body condition score at calving to subsequent pregnancy rate in three studies

Percent Pregnant
BCS Study A Study B Study C
4 50 17 59
5 81 67 67
6 88 80 87
7 90

University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Weight change needed to reach optimum condition

BCS 100 days before calving Percent of cows in heat after calving at: Pounds of TDN per day
60 days 90 days
BCS 1-3 46 66 12-15
BCS 4-6 61 91 9-10
BCS 7-9 91 100 6-7
BCS 100 days before calving Description of Condition Weight Change needed
1 Emaciated Gain 350 lbs.
2 Very Thin Gain 300-350 lbs.
3 Thin Gain 200-300 lbs.
4 Borderline Gain 150-200 lbs.
5 Moderate Gain weight of fetus only (100 lbs.)
6 Moderate-Good Gain weight of fetus only (100 lbs.)
7 Fleshy No weight gain needed
8 Fat Could lose 100 lbs.
9 Obese Could lose 150 lbs.

University of Missouri- Columbia

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