Monthly Archives: January 2017

Why entomology? Why study bugs?

I often get the questions of today’s topic posed to me when I meet people.  Why did you go into entomology?  How did you decide to work with bugs? It all started when I was a kid.  I loved insects.  I have various memories throughout my childhood that pointed to my future career as an entomologist, but I didn’t know at the time that I could work with insects and get paid for it. In 5th grade, we were assigned to research and write a report on the… Read More →

It’s freezing outside. Why are all the insects not dead?

So as I sit in my cozy office (with my sweater, scarf, fingerless gloves, and heater) I consider the poor insects that are having to deal with the drastic flip-flopping of the weather the past few weeks.  We’ve seen temperatures in the 20’s and temperatures in the 80’s, so I’m sure that they are a bit confused.  I was asked last week when it was warm how the mosquitoes came back so quickly if they died when it was freezing.  Well……. Insects have certain adaptations that allow them… Read More →