Monthly Archives: February 2016

Ox beetles

Have you found a ginormous grub in your compost pile? If so, don’t panic! Grubs are a common name for beetle larvae and these particular rubs become Ox beetles. The larvae look like a typical white grub and have a creamy C-shaped body, reddish head capsule and six legs. The difference is that these grubs look like they’ve been taking steroids and can fill the palm of your hand. Adult beetles are shiny brown and about 2 inches long. Males have horns while females do not. It takes… Read More →

Zika virus

I thought I would jump on the band wagon and get some information out about Zika virus.  This seems to be the latest and (not the) greatest in the news as of late.  Considering that the first case of local transmission was detected within Texas in the past week, everyone needs to know about this so they can take proper precautions. Zika virus is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.  Currently, there is no specific treatment for the virus, nor is there a vaccine.  The best way to avoid getting Zika virus is to… Read More →