Look for the Helpers

In light of what has been going on in the Panhandle this week, we are going to take a break from the Weekly Round Up today and, instead, take a moment to think of those struggling after the wildfires.  I wrote this article about the events of this last week and thought I would share.

Years ago, I heard a quote by Mr. Rogers.  He said that when tragedy strikes and everything seems so dark, you should look for the helpers. The firemen running into burning buildings. The people opening their homes to strangers. The folks offering anything they can to help lighten the load.  It makes things a little less scary when you see people helping others cope with the unthinkable.

When wildfires roared through the Texas Panhandle on Monday, it didn’t take long to see the helpers arrive.

People began organizing to get food for firefighters, hay for ranchers, money for grieving families, materials to rebuild fences, tooth brushes and clothes for people who lost their houses.  Cowboys offering to help round up cattle and women offering casseroles and communities gathering up any donation that people can give. The helpers are everywhere!

My own sweet husband spent his afternoon delivering hay from a donation point to a rancher who lost all but 300 of his 10,000 acres to the fire.  When he arrived, the rancher broke down and was so grateful.

Listen up world, you need to take a look at what Texas is doing.  Because we are getting it right.

Absolute strangers are coming along side people in their darkest hour.  Money, time, labor, prayers are all being given freely. And although none of us are able to give enough to solve every problem, everyone can give something and together, we can make a huge difference.

And you know what? No one asked about political parties or what church the person in need attends or what their position is on the freakin’ bathroom debate in Congress.  There are people who are hurting and that’s all we need to know.

Thank God for the helpers. And please continue praying for everyone affected by these terrible fires.

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