On-line Learning Opportunity #2

If you are reading this blog, you are
already utilizing technology to learn more about horticulture.  Have
you tried attending a real time webinar?  Webinars are like traditional
group educational events that you can attend in the comfort of your own
office, wearing comfortable clothing and eating your preferred learning
enhancing snack foods.

The second webinar featured here on the blog is for growers who are considering organic certification.  It is on the national Extension web learning site eXtension, which also hosts a wide variety of on-line courses.  The instructor is Jim Riddle of the University of Minnesota.  He’ll be explaining the National Organic Program crop production requirements and the certification process.  It is free and will be held just after learning opportunity #1, from  2-3 pm EST (that’s 1-2 ) for us Central Standard Time observers, on Tuesday, January 19, 2010.  Register at the following website https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/401117272

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