Testing of Precision Agriculture Technologies in Irrigated Cotton at AG-CARES, Lamesa, TX, 2000


Testing of Precision Agriculture Technologies in Irrigated Cotton at AG-CARES, Lamesa, Texas, 2000.



K.F. Bronson, J.W. Keeling, T. Wheeler, R.J. Lascano, R. K. Boman, E. Segarra, J.

Booker, J.D. Booker, J. Mabry, Assistant Professor, Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Extension Specialist, Professor, Research Assistants and Technician.




Experimental Design: Randomized complete block with 3 replications

Plot size:              53 ft wide (16 40-inch rows) and > 500 ft long.

Experimental area:  27 ac

Soil type:                   Amarillo sandy loam to sandy clay loam

Variety:                      Paymaster Roundup® Ready 2326

Soil sampling:           Half-ac grid (Fig.1 and 2)

P fertilizer rate:        Blanket-rate of 30 lb P2O5/ac,

Average Variable-rate of 38 lb P2O5/ac

Planting date:           May 10, 2000

Harvest date:            October 4, 2000

Irrigation:                  LEPA on a 3.5 day schedule at 75% estimated cotton ET





Cotton responded to P fertilizer in all three landscape positions of the precision agriculture site at AGCARES (Table 1 and 2). Historically, the greatest yields have been observed in the bottomslope where re-distribution of water and nutrients occurs. Variable-rate (VRT) and blanket-rate resulted in lint yields greater than zero-P in both sideslopes. In the bottomslope, only the variable-rate treatment affected lint yields. The south-facing sideslope had the lowest lint yields in 2000. This may be due to the greater amount of blowing observed there and to faster soil water evaporation. The Micro-Trak® yield data was less variable than the hand-picked lint data and only the machine data showed the P fertilizer response (Table 1 and 2).


Temik® was applied at planting at a rate of 5 lb/ac to the entire 27-ac area. Greater nematode numbers were observed in the bottomslope, and for this reason, the VRT strips of this area received an additional 5 lb/ac sidedress of Temik. However, yields in this area were not affected by Temik®.


Preliminary cost and returns economic analysis of the VRT technology is shown in Table 3. This analysis does not consider the greater cost of grid-soil sampling or of VRT equipment. The

average P fertilizer rate applied in the VRT plots was 38 lb P2O5/ac, compared to 30 lb P2O5/ac in the blanket-rate plots. Although statistically there was no difference between the VRT-P and blanket-P treatments we did this analysis by calculating a “return to P fertilizer” for each. This preliminary analysis indicates that up to $24/ac return of VRT-P is possible. Extra or variable-rate Temik was not economical.


Table 1. Micro-Trak® cotton lint yields (lb/ac) for variable-rate, blanket-rate and zero-rate P

fertilizer application, Lamesa, TX, 2000.

Treatment North-facing sideslope Bottom-slope South-facing sideslope Mean
Variable-rate P fertilizer 536 a1 590 a1 485 a1 537 a1
Blanket-rate P fertilizer 540 a 544 b 479 a 521 a
Zero P fertilizer 493 b 521 b 434 b 483 b
Mean 523 a2 552 a 466 b  

1 Means in a column followed by similar letter are not different by pairwise comparisons, p>0.05


Table 2. Hand-picked cotton lint yields (lb/ac) for variable-rate, blanket-rate and zero-rate P fertilizer application, Lamesa, TX, 2000.

Treatment North-facing sideslope Bottom-slope South-facing sideslope Mean
Variable-rate P fertilizer 679 a1 759 a1 570 a1 670 a1
Blanket-rate P fertilizer 634 a 673 a 564 a 623 a
Zero P fertilizer 596 a 665 a 523 a 594 a
Mean 636 a2 699 a 552 b  

1 Means in a column followed by similar letter are not different by pairwise comparisons, p>0.05


Table 3. Input application rates and cost and returns of input applications, Lamesa, TX, 2000

  Avg rate of input


Unit cost of input ($/lb) Cost of input


VRT cost minus blanket-rate cost ($/ac) Benefit of VRT with income from $0.60/lb cottonb
Treatments P fertilizer (lb P2O5/ac)
Variable-rate of input 38.4 0.31 11.90 2.60 23.83
Blanket-rate of input 30.0 0.31 9.30    
Zero rate 0 0.31 0    
  Temik nematicide (lb/ac)
Variable-rate of input 6.3 3.25 20.48 -4.23 -4.23a
Blanket-rate of input 5.0 3.25 16.25    
Sum of products       -1.30 19.60

a Assumes no gain in yield

b Does not consider capital costs of variable-rate application equipment or the greater cost of 0.5-ac grid soil sampling and laboratory analysis for the VRT treatments.


Fig. 1. Half-acre grid soil sampling locations and Mehlich-3 P, AGCARES, Lamesa, TX 2000

Half-acre grid soil sampling locations and Mehlich-3 P, AGCARES, Lamesa, TX 2000Fig. 2. Variable-rate inputs experimental layout and P fertilizer rates applied (V = VRT,

Fig. 2. Variable-rate inputs experimental layout and P fertilizer rates applied (V = VRT,

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