Benefits of Power Walking

By: Bridgette Wilson

How do you jumpstart an out-of-shape body that has no extra energy or tenacity to endure what I thought of exercise as cruel and unusual punishment? Little did I know taking some brisk walking strides would be the key to changing my life and moving beyond my fears.

The basic definition of ‘power walking’ is often referred to as ‘fitness walking’ or ‘fast pace walking’. According to WebMD, research suggests: “Every hour you spend walking may add 2 hours to your life.” Brisk walking can also reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and depression.

Power walking and I were first introduced ten years ago when I discovered that running, right out the starting gate was not a good idea. At 5’0” tall and weighing 215 pounds, fallen arches and stiff knees, running or even walking was like climbing a hill with a 100- pound life jacket strapped securely around my body. Every part of my body was fighting against me. My heart was beating so hard I thought there was a marching band’s drumline conducting a solo ensemble in my chest.  No matter what the condition of my body was at the time, I knew I needed a solution and I needed it fast.

As most of us know, change does not come easy. Just three days a week, 15 minutes a day, I took my first steps. As the pounds come off, I took my power walking outdoors, pushed beyond my limits, and eventually added two-pound hand weights to my stride. I started observing the changes in my body–increased muscle tone in my upper and lower body, more cardio endurance, stronger core and my foot pain had decreased significantly. My stress level and high blood pressure went way down. The best part was losing the extra pounds and inches from my overall body composition, which was a boost to my self-esteem and overall good health.

Looking back on my journey, I know I am grateful for every stride towards resolving my health issues. Power walking was my first step to gaining freedom and becoming a fearless spirit who will try just about anything—at least once.

To read more about how to get started on your power walking journey, check out:

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